Fraser Trevor Fraser Trevor Author
Title: America’s most contemplative, but very active (often unheard of and almost anonymous) saints. They are known mainly by their first names—Bill and Bob
Author: Fraser Trevor
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DISCLAIMER:Text may be subject to copyright.This blog does not claim copyright to any such text. Copyright remains with the original copyrig...
DISCLAIMER:Text may be subject to copyright.This blog does not claim copyright to any such text. Copyright remains with the original copyright edition of AA or Alcoholic Anonymous’s “bible” of recovery stories, known as the Big Book.

This edition of the book by AA’s Founders was the first draft before its many published editions, with hand written edits in the margins from two of America’s most contemplative, but very active (often unheard of and almost anonymous) saints. They are known mainly by their first names—Bill and Bob—and certainly not thought of with folks like Ignatius of Loyola.  The edits reveal their deep spirituality, originally writing that seeking a higher power would need to be “on your knees”, something that got taken that out in what we might term today a “seeker” strategy to not let religion get in the way of serving a beginner’s journey to physical and spiritual health.
You see, I owe a debt to Hazelden and the writers of the Big Book. My son’s life was changed by 30 days there. He shamelessly and humbly sings its praises – and lives “out loud” about being an alum, as are many whose lives have been given back to them by that place and AA’s practices. He is once again the same person I knew before his addictions took him away, but now he also has a deep interior life. His has developed the habit of serving others, and is soaring to reach his potential as never before in working with Junior High Youth.


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